Development of Optimized Compact Finite Difference Schemes

최적화된 집적 유한 차분법을 위한 내재적 시간전진 기법의 개발

  • 박노성 (KAIST 항공우주공학과 대학원) ;
  • 김재욱 (KAIST 항공우주공학과 대학원) ;
  • 이덕주 (KAIST 항공우주공학과)
  • Published : 1998.11.01


Optimized high-order compact(OHOC) schemes were proposed, which have high spatial order of truncation and resolution to simulate the aeroacoustic problems due to unsteady compressible flows. Generally, numerical schemes are categorized explicit or implicit by time-marching method. In this research, OHOC differences which were developed with explicit time-marching method is used to have implicit formulation and the implicit OHOC differences result in block hepta-diagonal matrix. This paper presents the comparisons between the explicit and implicit OHOC schemes with a second order accuracy of time in the 1-d linear wave convection problem, and between the explicit OHOC scheme of 4th-order accuracy in time and the implicit OHOC scheme of 1st-order accuracy in tine for the 1-d nonlinear wave convection problem. With these comparisons, the characteristics of implicit OHOC scheme are shown in the point of CFL number.
