횡격막 손상의 임상적 고찰

Clinical Evaluation of diaphragmatic inJuries

  • 발행 : 1994.02.01


We have experienced 21 cases of traumatic diaphragm injury between October, 1989 and September, 1993. Of these patients, 17 cases were caused by blunt trauma and 4 by penetrating injury. Among 17 blunt traumas, 10 cases developed at left side, 6 at right and 1 at central subpericardial diaphragm, and among penetrating injuries, 3 cases developed at right side and 1 at left. Overall mortality rate was 21% and one due to blunt trauma was 29%. Initial hypotension was a predisposing factor to presume future death. When associated injuries involved 4 or more organs, mortality rate was high.



  1. Arch Surg v.123 Blunt diaphragm rupture: A morbid injury Beal,S.L.;McKennan,M.
  2. S Clin North Amer v.26 Diaphragmatic hernia: A clinical report of 34 surgically treated cases Adams,R.;Lee,Jr.W.F.
  3. Ann Thorac Surg v.17 Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia Strug,B.;Noon,G.P.;Beall,A.C.
  4. Radiology v.140 Computed tomography of chest trauma Toombs,B.D.;Sandler,C.M.;Lester,R.G.
  5. Br J Surg v.75 Blunt injuries of the diaphragm Johnson,C.D.
  6. Arch Surg v.117 Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia Payne,Jr.J.H.;Yellin,A.E.
  7. Chest v.75 Traumatic injuries of the diaphragm Estrera,A.S.;Platt,M.R.;Mills,L.J.
  8. Ann Thorac Surg v.41 Transdiaphragmatic intercostal hernia Cole,Jr.F.H.;Miller,M.P.;Jones,C.V.
  9. Br J Surg v.74 Management of traumatic rupture of the diaphragm McCollum,C.;Anyanwu,C.H.;Umed,B.U.O.;Swarup,A.S.
  10. Ann Thorac Surg v.39 Blunt traumatic rupture of the right hemidiaphragm:Experience in 12 patients Estrera,A.S.;Landay,M.J.;McClelland,R.N.
  11. Ann Thorac Surg v.12 Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia Hood,R.M.
  12. Ann Thorac Surg v.42 Blunt and penetrating Diaphragmatic injuries with or without herniation of organs into the chest Symbas,P.N.;Vlasis,S.E.;Hatcher,Jr.C.
  13. Ann Thorac Surg v.38 Triple diaphragmatic rupture with disruption of the pericardium: Pericardial reconstruction by lyophilized dura allograft Juttner,F.;Pinter,H.;Kampler,D.;Tschelissnigg,K.;Friehs,G.
  14. Am J Surg v.132 Diaphragmatic hernia as a long-term complication of stab wounds of the chest Kessler,E.;Stein,A.
  15. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg v.92 Acute injuries of the diaphragm: An analysis of 165 cases Wiencek,Jr.R.G.;Wilson,R.F.;Steiger,Z.
  16. Ann Thorac Surg v.16 Acute diaphragmatic injuries Drews,J.A.;Mercer,E.C.;Benfield,J.R.
  17. Surgery v.94 Radionuclide diagnosis of diaphragmatic rupture with hepatic herniation Kim,E.E.;McConnell,B.J.;McConnell,R.W.;Duke,J.H.;Dillon,M.