노인의 흡연상태에 따른 식이섭취 패턴

Dietary Patterns of Elderly People by Smoking Status

  • 강명희 (한남대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 박정아 (한남대학교 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.10.01


It has been proposed that differences in diet between smokers and nonsmokers may partially explain the positive association between cigarette smoking and chronic diseases such as cancer and coronary heart disease. To investigate the potential for this confounding, the authors studied the relation between cigarette smoking and dietary pattern including nutrient intake in 152 Korean elderly people aged 59∼84years. Dietary intake was determined by a 24-hour recall method and a food frequency questionnaire. Male smokers were lighter than nonsmokers and had a lower body mass index(BMI)(p<0.05). But there were no differences in body weight and BMI between female smokers and nonsmokers. Female smokers had lower intakes of energy and carbohydrates than nonsmokers(p<0.05), but in male, smokers and nonsmokers did not show the difference in energy intake. The mean intake of fiber, protein, fat, minerals, and vitamins did not vary significantly by smoking status. However, both male and female smokers consumed fewer fruits than nonsmokers and ate fresh fruits less often than nonsmokers. The total food frequency score which reflect dietary quality of smokers was lower than those of nonsmokers(p<0.05). Male exsmokers' diet were similar to those of smokers, but in female, dietary patterns of exsmokers were similar to those of nonsmokers. These results confirm that elderly smokers have partially different nutrient and food intake patterns from nonsmokers. The decreased ingestion of fruits and less balanced diet by cigarette smokers could contribute to their increased risks of chronic disease compared with those by nonsmokers. The increased ingestion of nutrients and improved nutritional balance in the diet of exsmokers may help to reduce their risks as well.



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