• 발행 : 1997.11.01


Let ${A_t)}_{t>0}$ be a dilation group given by $A_t = exp(-P log t)$, where P is a real $n \times n$ matrix whose eigenvalues has strictly positive real part. Let $\nu$ be the trace of P and $P^*$ denote the adjoint of pp. Suppose that $K$ is a function defined on $R^n$ such that $$\mid$K(x)$\mid$ \leq k($\mid$x$\mid$_Q)$ for a bounded and decreasing function $k(t) on R_+$ satisfying $k \diamond $\mid$\cdot$\mid$_Q \in \cup_{\varepsilon >0}L^1((1 + $\mid$x$\mid$)^\varepsilon dx)$ where $Q = \int_{0}^{\infty} exp(-tP^*) exp(-tP)$ dt and the norm $$\mid$\cdot$\mid$_Q$ stands for $$\mid$x$\mid$_Q = \sqrt{}, x \in R^n$. For $f \in L^1(R^n)$, define $mf(x) = sup_{t>0}$\mid$K_t * f(x)$\mid$$ where $K_t(X) = t^{-\nu}K(A_{1/t}^* x)$. Then we show that $m$ is a bounded operator of $L^1(R^n) into L^{1, \infty}(R^n)$.



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