• Kim, Wan-Se (Department of Mathematics Hanyang University) ;
  • Ko, Bong-Soo (Department of Mathematics Education Cheju National University)
  • Published : 2000.01.01


In this paper, the multiplicity, stability and the structure of classical solutions of semilinear elliptic equations of the form (equation omitted) will be discussed. Here $\Omega$ is a smooth and bounded domain in $R^{n}$ (n $\geq$ 1), f(x,u) = │u│$^{\alpha}$/sgn(u)-h(x), 0 < $\alpha$ < 1, (n $\geq$ 1) and h is a ${\gamma}$- Holder continuous function on $\Omega$ for some 0 < ${\gamma}$ < 1.a}$ < 1.



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