화상치료제의 조직학적 수복효과

A Study on Histological Recuperative Effect of Burn Remedies

  • 지규용 (동의대학교 한의과대학ㆍ한방바이오연구센터)
  • Chi Gyoo Yong (College of Oriental MedicineㆍBiomedical Research Center of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University)
  • 발행 : 2002.08.01


This study was carried out to test the recuperative effect of 2 types of sample drugs for 3 degree burn. The burn injury was made by iron plate heated in the boiling water. The Sprague Dawley rats were shaven with a razor preliminarily and burned by direct contact method for 10 seconds. The experimental groups were classified with 5 each-normal, control, MEBO ointment, sample A, sample B. The effect of the sample drugs were decided by histological results after 3 week application. The results were as following. The 3 treatment groups recovered the burn injury faster than control group. The recuperative effect precedes about 4-5 days at the time of 15th day and 1 week at the time of 3rd week. The therapeutical procedure of 3 treatment groups was similar with naked eye and with microscopic histology in the 1 st, 2nd and 3rd specimens. So there weren't significant differences in curative effect in 3 treatment groups of this experiment. But a regeneration of hair follicle was noted in Sample B uniquely. These results suggested that 3 burn remedies have similar effect of therpy, but sample B containing yolk sac oil has slightly better effect in part of hair regeneration.



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