소문 음양이합론의 삼음삼양 해석과 운용방법

Study on Three-yin-three-yang on the Parting and Meeting of Yin-Yang in Hwangjenegyeng Somun

  • 김광중 (대구한의대 한의과대학 생리학교실)
  • Kim Kwang Joong (Department of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Daeguhaany University)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


The adapted scope of the Opening-covering-axis of Three-yin-three-yang can summary two parts. the first, former treatise of Gyeng-Lak emphasized the line structure by point and line but now we can understand expansible structure as not only line but also space of structure by the space structure of six-meeting. So the application of Gyeng-Lak can be various by extensive analysis of the Hand-three-yin-three-yang in Sky(Yang) including the Foot-three-yin-three-yang in Ground (Vin), even if the original text has limited examples. The second, former additional explanations of Hwangjenegyeng Sanghanlon by doctors can be profoundly analysis about the pathology and cure process of Three-yin-three-yang of human body. It has base on the metaphorically symbolized theory of Three-yin-three-yang. This is the Saeng-jang-shu-chang of So-yin, Tae-yang, Yang-myeng, So-yang. Tae-yin, Guel-yin in order. Also the circulation of Opening-covering-axis of Three-yin-three-yang has order in Tae-yang (Opening), Yang-myeng (Covering), So-yang (Axis), Tae-yin (Opening), Guel-yin (Covering), So-yin(Axis).



  1. 대산주역강의(3) 김석진
  2. 漢韓大字典 민중서림편집국
  3. 문제로 보는 중국철학 方立天(著);이기훈;황지원(譯)
  4. 周易傳義 성백효(譯)
  5. 黃帝內經太素 楊上善(注)
  6. 黃帝內經素問 王氷(註)
  7. 老子 王弼(저);임채우(譯)
  8. 莊子 莊子(著);안동림(譯)
  9. 주역/ 유가의 사상인가 도가의 사상인가 陳鼓應(著);최진석;김갑수;이석명(譯)
  10. 원광대학교 대학원 석사학위논문 素問. 陰陽離合論에 對한 硏究 금경수
  11. 대한원전의학회지 v.9 馬王堆醫書와 黃帝內經에 나타난 경락학설에 대한 연구 김용진
  12. 대한원전의사학회지 v.9 no.1 三陰三陽과 氣의 變化 박찬국
  13. 대한원전의사학회지 v.3 no.1 黃帝內經 素問 陰陽離合論에 대한 고찰 옥도훈;홍원식
  14. 대전대학교 한의학연구소 논문집 v.4 no.2 三陰三陽에 關한 硏究 윤창열
  15. 대전대학교 한의학연구소 논문집 v.6 no.1 陰陽의 語源과 陰陽論의 起原에 關한 考察 윤창열
  16. 대한원전의학회지 v.10 no.1 楊上善의 三陰三陽學說에 대한 연구 이용범
  17. 대한원전의사학회지 v.12 no.2 陰陽離合論의 三陰三陽과 開闔樞 임진석
  18. 대한침구학회지 v.15 no.1 向心性 路線의 經絡體系에 關한 硏究 최원준;장준혁;윤종화