<소문, 음양이합론>의 사상적 내용에 관한 연구

Study on Background on the Parting and Meeting of Yin-Yang in Hwangjenegyeng Somun

  • 김광중 (대구한의대 한의과대학 생리학교실) ;
  • 하근호 (대구한의대 한의과대학 생리학교실)
  • Kim Kwang Joong (Department of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Daeguhaany University) ;
  • Ha Keun Ho (Department of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Daeguhaany University)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


Treatise Yin-Yang is based on Chun-chu-shi-dae and composed in Jen-guk-shi-dae and the systemic constant is effected at the age of Han-dae. This study needs the deep philosophic understanding and principal. In conclusion, the parting and meeting of Yin-Yang is conducted by the parting and meeting of Three-yin-three-yang. In addition, this theory is based on the Taoism. Yin-Yang is embodied by Sky-Ground-Sun-Moon, had the meaning of time and place and accomplished their own rules with identification as one. Taechung and Gwangmyeng are the concretely applied form of the parting and meeting of Yin-Yang at human body. The parting and Meeting of Three-Yin- Three-Yang has six types symbols of circulated Yin-Yang. They have Six-meeting space structure as match like up-down, backside and front-side, left-side and right-side. These pairs express symbolized meaning of creation of Saeng-jang-shu-chang and also apply the same things.



  1. 易學啓蒙-朱熹 圖書易의 해설 김상섭
  2. 대산주역강의(3) 김석진
  3. 맑스 엥겔스 선집 맑스, 엥겔스(지음);석탑편집부(편역)
  4. 문제로 보는 중국철학 方立天(著);이기훈;황지원(譯)
  5. 世界哲學史 上 슈테릭히(지음);임석진(역)
  6. 黃帝內經素問 王氷(註)
  7. 老子 王弼(저);임채우(譯)
  8. 莊子 莊子(著);안동림(譯)
  9. 說文解字注 許愼(撰);段玉裁(注)
  10. 易學哲學史 上冊 朱伯崑
  11. 주역산책 朱伯崑(외 지음);김학권(譯)
  12. 주역/ 유가의 사상인가 도가의 사상인가 陳鼓應(著);최진석;김갑수;이석명(譯)
  13. 중국철학사 馮友蘭(著);鄭仁在(譯)
  14. 동의생리병리학회지 v.15 陽宅地理의 공간배치에 대한 연구 송시원;강정수
  15. 대전대학교한의학연구소논문집 v.7 황제내경의 성서시대에 대한 고찰 조학준;윤창열