D.I.T.I.를 이용한 족삼리(ST36)자침이 안면부 절대온도변화에 미치는 영향

Characteristics of Acupuncture at Chok-Samni(ST36) on Facial Thermographic Change of D.I.T.I.

  • 조은희 (원광대학교 한의학전문대학원) ;
  • 박민철 (원광대학교 한의학전문대학원) ;
  • 최덕화 (원광대학교 의과대학 마취과교실)
  • Cho Eun Hee (Department of Professional Graduate School of Oriental Medicine, WonkWang University) ;
  • Park Min Cheol (Department of Professional Graduate School of Oriental Medicine, WonkWang University) ;
  • Choi Deok Hwa (Department of anesthesiology, College of Medicine, Wonkwang University)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


This study was examined for effects of acupuncture of Chok-Samni(ST36) on the facial thermography in health subjects, The volunteers who participating in this study had taken rest for 15 mins in room temperature (19-21 ℃) before the examination and informed them what to prohibit smoking, drinking and administration of drug for the previous day, The thermography of face was taken using Digital Infrared Thermographic Imaging (D.I.T.I. : Dorex, DTI-16UT1, U.S.A.) by time interval of 35 minutes at 15 min before and 20 min after acupuncture stimulation. Thermal temperature of Yangbaek(GB14), Myon-koryo(ST3) and Chichang(ST4) was measured and compared, The results showed that acupuncture of Chok-Samni(ST36) decreased the Absolute difference of temperature between Myon-koryo(ST3) and Chichang(ST4) (p<0,05, Data were represented mean±S,E.M.(n=33)), But, acupuncture of Chok-Samni(ST36) particularly decreased the absolute difference of temperature between Yangbaek(GB14) and Chichang(ST4) and particularly decreased the absolute difference of temperature between Vangbaek(GB14) and Myon-koryo(ST3) (p<0,05, Data were represented mean±S,E.M.(n=33)). Also, it was observed that acupuncture of Chok-Samni(ST36) decreased variety of the color tone of thermographic contour line and decreased thermal distribution. The results showed that acupuncture of Chok-5amni(ST36) significantly decreased the absolute difference of temperature of partial facial surface. Hereafter, study about if acupuncture of Chok-Samni(ST36) significantly decrease the absolute difference of temperature of all the areas of facial surface is requested. Also, continued study of effects of acupuncture of other meridian on the facial thermography is requested.



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