담음이 신지에 미치는 영향에 대한 문헌적 고찰

Literatual Study on the effect of Dam-eum on Spirit

  • 정정수 (동의대학교 대학원 한의학과 심계내과학교실) ;
  • 김영균 (동의대학교 대학원 한의학과 심계내과학교실)
  • Jung Jung Su (Department of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University) ;
  • Kim Young Kyun (Department of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University)
  • 발행 : 2003.02.01


Dam-eum(痰飮) is peculiar pathological product which is caused by functional difficulty in human fluid replacement and that principally originated functional difficulty between Lung(肺), Spleen(脾), Kidney(腎) and Sam-Cho(三焦). Dam-eum(痰飮) comes into force to disorder about ascending, decending, in and out of human energy circulation and frequently raises functional difficulty in human fluid replacement. As a result of that, it has much effect on action of Spirit(神志). After literatual study on the effect of Dam-eum(痰飮) on Spirit(神志), the result were obtained as follows : Dam-eum is not affecting to Spirit by itself. When Dam-eum is Positive Symptom(實證), Yang Symptom(陽證), mainly it affects to Spirit with Pung(風), Hwa(火), Kyung(驚), Youl(熱). And when it is Negative Symptom(虛症), it mostly affects with 脾胃虛寒, 心血不足. Dam-eum is a factor of causing disharmony between Heart & Kidney(心腎), Heart & Liver(心肝), Stomach & Gall Bladder Line(胃膽經) by 痰迷心竅, 痰火擾心. So it brings out troubles of fluid replacement. These are the main circumstances of affecting Spirit. To cure Disease of Spirit(神志病), which is caused by Dam-eum, there are not only uses the treatment of 理痰氣, 豁痰開竅. There are two treatments to use together. The first treatment is 淸熱, 定驚, 息風, 淸心 that removes fitted toxin. And the other treatment is that keeps the balance of Internal Organs.



  1. 精校黃帝內徑素問 東洋醫學硏究院出版部
  2. 精校黃帝內徑靈臨 東洋醫學硏究院出版部
  3. 仲景全書 金匱要略 張仲景
  4. 子和醫集 儒門事親 張從定
  5. 丹溪醫集 朱震亨
  6. 醫學入門(雜病) 李梴
  7. 醫學正傳 虞摶
  8. 萬病回春 龔廷信
  9. 醫學綱目 樓英
  10. 普濟方 李橚(等)
  11. 醫宗必讀 李中梓
  12. 張氏醫通 張璐
  13. 臨證指南醫案 葉天士
  14. 醫宗金鑑 吳鎌(外)
  15. 臨證指南醫案 徐靈胎,洄溪醫案 葉天士
  16. 金匱要略手冊 段光周(外)
  17. 東醫寶鑑 許浚
  18. 醫門寶鑑 周命新
  19. 濟衆新篇 康命吉
  20. 新編傳靑主男女科葉天士女科 傳靑主
  21. 六科準繩(雜病) 正肯堂
  22. 萬病醫藥顧問
  23. 奇效良方 董宿輯
  24. 景岳全書(上) 張介賓
  25. 外臺秘要 王燾
  26. 醫宗損益 黃度淵
  27. 동의생리학 김완희(외)
  28. 동의병리학 문준전(외)