Breeding Prolific Garole with Malpura Sheep for In creased Reproductive Efficiency in Semi Arid Tropics of India

  • Sharma, R.C. (Division of Animal Genetics and Beeding, Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute) ;
  • Arora, A.L. (Division of Animal Genetics and Beeding, Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute) ;
  • Mishra, A.K. (Division of Animal Genetics and Beeding, Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute) ;
  • Kumar, S. (Division of Animal Genetics and Beeding, Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute) ;
  • Singh, V.K. (Division of Animal Genetics and Beeding, Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute)
  • Received : 2003.06.15
  • Accepted : 2004.01.10
  • Published : 2004.06.01


Garole, a prolific small sized sheep breed of West Bengal, was introduced in the Mutton project of the Institute in 1997 to explore the possibility of incorporating fecundity gene(s) into monotocus Malpura sheep of Rajasthan. Results of reproduction and production traits in respect of Garole${\times}$Malpura (G${\times}$M) half-breds have been obtained. Of 35 lambing obtained so far from the ewes of Garole${\times}$Malpura, 45.71% were twin lambing, whereas, Malpura sheep produced mostly single lamb except 2.55% twin lambing on an average. Other reproduction traits in G${\times}$M ewes such as lambing rate, litter size at birth and weaning were considerably improved over Malpura ewes. Results revealed that the fecundity genes responsible for increasing ovulation rate and litter size have been incorporated in to the G${\times}$M genotype and it might prove a valuable germ plasm towards evolving a new prolific strain of sheep. Interestingly, survivability of G${\times}$M half-breds was almost at par with the local Malpura sheep in harsh climatic conditions of semi-arid tropics. The body weights at different ages of G${\times}$M half-breds were on little lower side compared to contemporary Malpura lambs. Average kilogram of lambs weaned/ewe lambed in Malpura and G${\times}$M genetic group was 11.86 and 11.07 kg respectively. In view of minimizing the differences in body weights and kg of lambs weaned/ewe lambed between the two genetic groups, G${\times}$M ewes has to be backcrossed with Malpura rams to raise the inheritance of latter up to 75% level. However, further research is needed to reach on certain conclusions regarding net returns from such crosses.



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