종유에 대한 최근 중의 및 중서의 결합치료 연구경향 <2001년 - 2003년 10월까지 발표된 문헌을 중심으로>

Tendency of Studies on Cancer about TCM and Combining TCM & Western Medicine Treatment in Recent Three Years

  • 황충연 (원광대학교 한의과대학 안이비인후ㆍ피부과학 교실) ;
  • 홍철희 (원광대학교 한의과대학 안이비인후ㆍ피부과학 교실)
  • Hwang Chung Yeon (Department of oriental medical college Otorhinolaryngology & Dermatology, Wonkwang University) ;
  • Hong Chul Hee (Department of oriental medical college Otorhinolaryngology & Dermatology, Wonkwang University)
  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


According to 2004 health statistics yearbook, cancer ocupies second death reason next to disease of blood circulation system and 1/4 was died because of cancer. There are very many factors to onset cancer, for example the exposure to varius kinds of pollution materials by development of industry, excess intake of harmful food to one's health, spritual stress, as become old age society, increase of attack-rate of geriatric diseases etc, attack-rate of cancer comes to be high gradually. The author had study about to treatment cancer by TCM(traditional chinese medicine) and combining TCM & western medicine, in Guang An Men hospital in Beijing of China from February 2003 to January 2004. TCM papers are 105 and combining TCM & western medicine papers are 280 of total 385 papers. Clinical reserch papers are 166, review articles are 194, animal experimental papers are 25. The papers used development herbal medicine are 42(10.9%), the papers used undevelopment herbal medicineare are 228(59.2%), the papers used senior TCM doctor's therapeutic experience and theory are 17(4.4%), the papers used theory of TCM or theory of combining TCM & western medicine are 71 (18.4%), the papers used acupuncture, qigong, thermotherapy, etc, other methods are 5, the papers used TCM patient's care or dietary treatment are 12 and ststistical papers are 10. Cancer is complicated hard case disease in pathological process. Combining TCM & western medicine treatment system is more efficient than one of TCM or western medicine in diagnosis, treatment, reserch of cancer.



  1. 2004보건연감
  2. 암의진단과 치료 김노경 등
  3. 암 동서의결합치료 문구 등
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