피부질환의 형상의학적 치험사례 Ⅱ

Clinical Cases of Skin Diseases Treated with Hyungsang Medicine Ⅱ

  • 강경화 (동의대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실, 한방바이오연구센터) ;
  • 조성태 (아카데미 한의원) ;
  • 이용태 (동의대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실, 한방바이오연구센터)
  • Kang Kyung Hwa (Department of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Biomedical Research Center of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University) ;
  • Cho Sung Tae (Academy Oriental Clinic) ;
  • Lee Yong Tae (Department of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Biomedical Research Center of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


The writers present this additional paper to supplement the treatise (Clinical Cases of Skin Diseases treated with Hyungsang Medicine) issued at Hyungsang Medicine Conference in 2001. New other cases have been added in this paper because we didn't deal with sufficient cases in the former treatise and there is also a need for continuous research. The skin is the part that is exposed to the outer environment. Consequently, it is not only under the direct influence of the outside, but also shows internal abnormalities. Therefore, it should be carefully examined, when diagnosing a skin disease, whether the disease is caused by the outside influence, or it reveals internal abnormalities, or it shows both outer and internal abnormalities. For skin disease diagnoses, there are still limits in finding out the cause of a disease only by means of feeling pulses and analysing symptoms. In order to overcome those limitations, and for more accurate and appropriate treatments, Hyungsang diagnosis should be fully understood and well recognized. Accordingly, for skin disease treatment especially, along with all the other disease treatments, we should take the four combined factors (configuration, color, pulse and symptoms) into consideration to bring out the merits and the characteristics of the oriental medicine and be able to prepare for any cases.



  1. 大韓形象醫學會誌 v.2 no.1 大韓形象醫學會
  2. 對譯東醫寶鑑 東醫寶鑑國譯委員會(譯)
  3. 精校 黃帝內經素問 洪元植(校合編纂)
  4. 精校 黃帝內經靈樞 洪元植(校合編纂)
  5. 芝山先生 臨床學特Ⅰ 大韓傳統韓醫學會
  6. 芝山先生 臨床學特Ⅱ 大韓傳統韓醫學會
  7. 芝山先生 臨床學特Ⅲ 大韓傳統韓醫學會
  8. 芝山先生 臨床學特講Ⅳ 大韓傳統韓醫學會
  9. 芝山先生 臨床學特講Ⅴ 大韓傳統韓醫學會
  10. 芝山先生 臨床學特講Ⅵ 大韓傳統韓醫學會