외상성 후두골과 측두골 골절에 대한 고찰

Clinical Study of Patient with Traumatic Temporal and Occipital Bone Fracture

  • 박민철 (원광대학교 한의학전문대학원)
  • Park Min Cheol (Department of Professional Graduate school of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


This study shows that oriental medical treatment affected a patient with headache, dizziness, dim eyes, facial palsy and hard-of-hearing caused by traumatic temporal and occipital bone fracture. Traumatic facial palsy mainly occures by temporal bone fracture. Facial palsy caused by traumatic temporal bone fracture corresponds to gu-an-wa-sha (口眼?斜)of oriental medicine. Functional disorder of an auditory organ corresponds to yi-rong(耳聾) and hyun-hoon(眩暈) of oriental medicine. In general, everyone consider surgical operation first of all, in the case of having traumatic facial nerve paralysis. But, this case shows that oriental medical treatments(acupuncture and herbal medicine) have a good effect on a patient with traumatic temporal and occipital bone fracture.



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