십이지지의 원리로 바라본 사상의학에 대한 연구

Study of Interactions of Twelve Elements of the Earth in the Principle of the Sasang Constitutional Medicine

  • 김광호 (대전대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실) ;
  • 강정수 (대전대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실)
  • Kim Guang Ho (Department of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University) ;
  • Kang Jung Soo (Department of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


Dongmugong(東武公) advanced seven-feeling theory of Danguea(丹溪) and spirit-action theory of Buddhism. Sasang Constitutional Medicine has big three ideological base; phylosophy of the human nature, natural laws and the doctrines of Wangyangming(王陽明). In Dongyuisusebowon(東醫壽世保元), it is insisted that one's nature(性) and feelings(情) influenced to change his or her external form and the function of the internal organs. According to Dongyuisusebowon, the metabolism of human body is influenced by the actions of the nature(性) and the feelings(情). Also, sometimes, people get sick because of the disharmony of them. Of course, the concept of the nature(性) and the feelings(情) is different from a general idea. In Dongyuisusebowon, the nature(性) is made up of the intelligence(智), the courtesy(禮), the integrity(義), and the affection(仁). It is same with the feelings(情). The feelings(情), according to Sasang Constitutional Medicine, is composed of grief(哀), anger(怒), pleasure(喜), and enjoyment(樂). Dongmugong explained those in his writings and we got to know that the physiology and pathology of Sasang Constitutional Medicine could be explained by the interactions of twelve elements of the earth(十二地支). Symptoms and signs in his books can be explained by the same mechanism in Sanghanlon(傷寒論), but these of each constitution could be seen different one because of the different characteristics of Sasangin(四象人)



  1. 中國醫學史 洪元植
  2. 四象醫學 전국 한의과대학 사상의학회
  3. 格致藁 李濟馬(원저);박대식(역주)
  4. 黃帝內經素問 洪元植(역)
  5. 東武遺稿 李濟馬(원저);량병무;차광석(역)
  6. 삼일신고 최동환
  7. 周易講解(上) 金碩鎭
  8. 太韓醫學全集(三) 李正來
  9. 東醫壽世保元 四象草本卷 李濟馬(원저);朴性植(역해)
  10. 四柱鑑定法秘訣集 申六泉
  11. 滴天髓闡微 大韓曆法硏究所
  12. 淵海子平精解 沈載烈
  13. 本經疏證 鄒澍(지음);임진석(옮김)
  14. 東武遺稿 李濟馬(지음);이창일(역주)
  15. 東醫四象新編 李濟馬