활락탕이 관절염 백서의 염증과 간에 미치는 영향

Study for Whuallak-tang to Influence the Inflammation and Liver of the Rat with Arthritis

  • 임광순 (경원대학교 한의과대학 해부경혈학) ;
  • 김연섭 (경원대학교 한의과대학 해부경혈학)
  • Yim Kwang Soon (Department of Anatomy-Pointology College of Oriental Medicine, Kyungwon University) ;
  • Kim Youn Sub (Department of Anatomy-Pointology College of Oriental Medicine, Kyungwon University)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


The purpose of this study is to observe the effect of Whuallak-tang on the inflammation and Liver of the Rat with Arthritis, and to demonstrate its efficiency as well as its safety, Have the each group eat a saline solution, 72mg of Whuallak-tang and 144mg of Whuallak-tang respectively at the same time once a day during a week. After a week, check if there is edema and count the number of leukocyte. Measure total protein and bilirubin, GOT and GPT after extracting serum through centrifugal separation. Right plantat edema occurred much less in sample A and sample B compared to control group. The number of leukocyte of sample A and sample B decreased remarkably compared to control group. The amount of total protein in serum decreased only in sample B group compared to control group. The amount of total bilirubin in serum has no change in both sample A group and sample B group compared to control group. The amount of GOT in serum decreased in both sample A and sample B group compared to control group, but it has no meaning. The amount of GPT in serum decreased remarkably in both sample A and sample B group compared to control group. As a result it was proved that Whualk-tang is good as antiphlogistic of infalmmation of Rat with Arthritis and doesn't bad effect on the liver. Therefore it can be used fot healing Arthritis.



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