소문 음양이합론의 음양이합에 관한 연구

Study of the Parting and Meeting of Yin-Yang on Treatise on on the Parting and Meeting of Yin-Yang in Hwangjenegyeng Somun

  • 김광중 (대구한의대 한의과대학 생리학교실) ;
  • 하근호 (대구한의대 한의과대학 생리학교실)
  • Kim Kwang Joong (Department of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine. Daegu haany University) ;
  • Ha Keun Ho (Department of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine. Daegu haany University)
  • 발행 : 2004.02.01


Hwangjenegyeng somun. Treatise on the parting and Meeting of Yin-Yang is the theory of the parting and meeting about Yin-Yang. It is harmonized treatise Yin-Yang and systemic constant. Taechung and Gwangmyeng are the concretely applied form of the parting and meeting of Yin-Yang at human body. The parting and Meeting of Three-Yin- Three-Yang has six types symbols of circulated Yin-Yang. They have Six-meeting space structure as match like up-down, backside and front-side, left-side and right-side. These pairs express symbolized meaning of creation of Saeng-jang-shu-chang and also apply the same things. Somum Treatise on the Parting and Meeting of Yin-Yang explains acting of human body by the parting and meeting of Three-yin-three-yang as six structures of Opening-covering-axis of Three-yin-three-yang. This principal is expression of the parting and meeting of Yin-Yang and concretes the opening and closing of circulation process for symmetry by each acting of Three-yin-three-yang. As result. the match of six-meeting in space structure and the Opening-covering-axis of Three-yin-three-yang are the basic principal of oriental medicine about the treatise of Gyeng-Lak and the treatise of Six-Gyeng of Sanghanlon.



  1. 易學啓蒙-朱熹 圖書易의 해설 김상섭
  2. 대산주역강의 v.3 김석진
  3. 주역철학사 廖名春;康學偉;梁韋弦(著);심경호(옮김)
  4. 漢韓大字典 민중서림편집국
  5. 문제로 보는 중국철학 方立天(著);이기훈;황지원(옮김)
  6. 皇極經世書-中國子學名著集成 v.93 邵雍(撰)
  7. 黃帝內經素問 王氷 註
  8. 老子 王弼(저);임채우(옮김)
  9. 莊子 莊子(著);안동림(譯註)
  10. 주역산책 朱伯崑(외 지음);김학권(옮김)
  11. 주역/ 유가의 사상인가 도가의 사상인가 陳鼓應(著);최진석;김갑수;이석명(옮김)
  12. 송명 성리학 陳來(著);안재호(옮김)
  13. 중국철학사 馮友蘭(著);鄭仁在(譯)
  14. 반듀링론 프리드리히 엥겔스(지음);김민석(옮김)
  15. 대한원전의학회지 v.10 no.1 楊上善의 三陰三陽學說에 대한 연구 이용범
  16. 대전대학교한의학연구소논문집 v.7 no.1 황제내경의 성서시대에 대한 고찰 조학준;윤창열