훈민정음의 제자배경과 역학적 원리

Study on Creation Background and Divinational Principle of the Hun-Min-Jeong-Eum

  • 손유석 (대전대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실) ;
  • 강정수 (대전대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실)
  • Son You Seok (Department of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University) ;
  • Kang Jung Soo (Department of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
  • 발행 : 2004.02.01


The Hun-Min-Jeong-Eum(訓民正音) has been created under the political purpose that is to unite politics and cultures through a philosophical harmony of the confucianism as well as the Buddhism under the periodical circumstance that includes the change of a dynasty and a revolution in culture. The creating work has been greatly affected by the theoretical divination, that is the confucian ideas of North-Song dynasty which has been highly elaborated in those days. The shape of the characters of the Hun-Min-Jeong-Eum(訓民正音) has been influenced by the ancient letters existing at the time (especially Ga-Rim-To 加臨多), it has been throughly readjusted and recreated based on the philosophy. The consonant uses the Three-Pillars(三才)(ㅇ, ㅁ, △) in the style of the five elements and each velar-lingual-labial-dental-guttural sounds (牙舌脣齒喉音) is applicable to five elements also a 'ㅇ' is equivalent to the heaven, a 'ㅁ' to the earth. a '△' to the man. The vowel uses the five elements of ㅗ(water). ㅏ(wood), ㅜ(fire), ㅓ(metal), ㆍ(five-soil), ─(ten-soil) in the style of the Three-Pillars(三才) of ㆍ, ㅡ, ㅣ and the first created letters(初出字), and the secondary created letters(再出字) each can be attached to the eight trigrams(八卦). The consonant has 17 letters and the vowel has 11 letters, therefore the total number of the letters is 28. and those are equivalent to the 28 constellation(二十八宿) of the astronomy. Contrary to the underlying principle that has been applied during the time of the creation of the letters, when the consonant and the vowel are used, the consonant refers to the heaven (天), and the vowel refers to the earth(地). a consonant take a part in making a point on the starting place of the pronounce, a vowel take a part in the keeping the energy to the end.



  1. 대한음성학회 제3회 음성학술대회 皇極經世書.律呂聲音와 訓民正音의 正音觀 硏究 沈小喜
  2. 訓民正音 解例本
  3. 한국어연구사(상) 김석득
  4. 한글과 천문 반재원
  5. 훈민정음연구 강신항
  6. 慷齊叢話 成俔
  7. 성호사설 이익
  8. 고친 한글갈 최현배
  9. 고대조선문의 유무 권진규
  10. 訓民正音의 구조원리 이정호
  11. 제삼의 역학 이정호
  12. 正易을 바탕으로 한 詠歌와 平和遊戱 박상화
  13. 요가의 신비 정태혁
  14. 中國氣功學 張和
  15. 뇌호흡 이승헌
  16. 활력증강건강법 만탁치아