ISO 9001:2000 QMS Practices Analysis of Machinery and Metal Manufacturing Companies

기계금속 제조업체의 ISO 9001:2000 품질경영시스템 운용분석

  • Received : 2004.04.01
  • Accepted : 2004.07.06
  • Published : 2004.09.30


The organizations that adopted ISO 9000:1994 have upgraded to ISO 9001:2000 family through transition period by December, 2003. This paper focuses on the implementation of ISO 9001:2000 QMS in Busan and Kyungnam provinces where most machinery and metal manufacturing companies are located. Based on the questionnaire survey, we calculate ordinal association measures of requirements questions, perform factor analysis, and test three hypotheses to ascertain if there is any difference in implementing ISO 9001:2000 QMS. Results show that a professional manager-CEO maintains QMS general requirements(4.1), work environment(6.4), measurement analysis and improvement general(8.1), and monitoring and measurement(8.2) better than an owner-CEO. In addition, it has been found that customer focus(5.2) and improvement(8.5) are well maintained in companies by internal developmental reasons, and infrastructure(6.3) and purchasing(7.4) are well maintained by companies with long term implementation.



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