A Study on Measurement and Analysis of Local Vibration Induced by the Powered Hand Tools Used in Automobile Assembly Lines

자동차 조립공정에서 동력수공구에 의하여 발생되는 국소진동의 측정과 분석에 관한 연구

  • Park, Hee-Sok (Department of Information and Industrial Engineering, Hongik University) ;
  • Huh, Seung-Moo (Department of Information and Industrial Engineering, Hongik University)
  • 박희석 (홍익대학교 정보산업공학과) ;
  • 허승무 (홍익대학교 정보산업공학과)
  • Received : 2004.03.22
  • Accepted : 2004.08.15
  • Published : 2004.09.30


The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of vibration induced by the powered hand tools used in the automobile assembly lines, and estimate the prevalence of vibration syndrome. The acceleration levels of four major powered hand tools were measured using the ISO 5349 method along with the time of exposure to the vibration of the hand tools. Four-hour-energy-equivalent frequency-weighted accelerations ranged from $1.27m/s^2$ to $2.58m/s^2$, After exposure to vibration for 12.6 years, about 10% of the workers using impact ranches were expected to develop Raynaud's disease. For the workers using grinders, 16.6% of the workers were expected to develop Raynaud's disease. The results would be of help in developing the guidelines of local vibration control.



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