A Study on Linking BCA into the EIA System Based on Two Cases

환경영향평가와 비용편익분석 연계의 유용성- 하천관리사업 및 습지간척사업을 사례로 -

  • Received : 2004.02.02
  • Accepted : 2004.05.03
  • Published : 2004.06.30


As most of environmental impacts caused by development projects are irrevocable, a thorough review is utmost necessary. Ecological-economic integrated approach inspired by Norgaard's co-evolution theory should be applied to the environmentally adjusted CBA, which plays a decisive role in the feasibility analysis. Based on case studies of NamHan River Management Project and Yeongsangang Wetland Reclamation Project, this paper attempts to show the usefulness of linking basic plan and implimentation design to EIA and suggests to integrate EACBA into the current EIA system institutionally as a more effective policy tool for realizing sustainable development in Korea.



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