Analysis of Problems and Improvement of Environmental Impact Assessment in Social-Economic Items Based on 19 Major Large Scale Development Projects

주요개발사업의 환경영향평가서 분석을 통한 사회경제항목평가의 문제점과 개선방안

  • Lee, Sang-Don (Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Ewha Womans University)
  • 이상돈 (이화여자대학교 공과대학 환경학과)
  • Received : 2004.04.20
  • Accepted : 2004.08.05
  • Published : 2004.08.31


Assessment in Socio-economic items should be used to estimate social influence when policies and projects were introduced. To estimate current situation of socio-economic items 19 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) of large scale projects were analyzed. The projects were selected based on magnitude of social impact when the projects were implemented. Environmental Impact Statement was categorized into line projects(road construction, railroad construction, stream development, etc), and surface projects(energy development, wetland reclamation, recreation and sport development, and housing and residential development, etc) thus being chosen for 19 projects in each categories. This report was based on the analysis of 7 items in socio-economic environmental items(i.e., population, residents, industry, public facilities, education, transport and historical monument). Most EIS did not follow the regulation suggested by Ministry of Environment, and only current circumstances were briefly described. Indifference of in-depth analysis of socioeconomic environmental items would influence the process of social and environment impact negatively in the midst of construction of National Projects such as Outer Circle Seoul Highways, Saemankeum Reclamation Projects, etc. This abrupt halt of construction was mostly based on a lack of public hearing or public participation. Socio-economic items are also very much lacking in quantitative method and strengthening socio-economic environmental items is needed via checklist or matrix that brings decision-makers better ideas objectively.



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