"산번방(刪繁方)"의 의론(醫論)에 관한 연구

Study on the Medical Comments in "Sanbeon-bang"

  • 김도훈 (경희대학교 한의과대학 원전학교실)
  • Kim, Do-Hoon (Department of Classics, College of Korean Medicine, Kyung Hee University)
  • 발행 : 2005.02.25


This paper is mainly on the medical comments in ${\ulcorner}$Sanbeon-bang(刪繁方)${\lrcorner}$. Among the medical comments in ${\ulcorner}Sanbeon-bang{\lrcorner}$, the Ojang-noron(五臟勞論) which deals with the Hanyeolheosil(寒熱虛實) of Ojang(五臟) and Yukgeuknon(六極論) which deals with the Hanyeolheosil of 'Geun-Maek-Yuk-Gi-Gol-Jeong(筋脈肉氣骨精)', remain perfectly. By way of these theories, it argues on various types of pathogenic states and syndromes. Related to the Ojang-noron, ${\ulcorner}Sanbeon-bang{\lrcorner}$ suggests a characteristic tonifying method which is 'Exhaustion syndromes should tonify the son organ(勞則補子法)'. It is the supplement of traditional 'Reinforcing the mother organ when treating cases of deficiency(虛則補其母)'. With the Ojang-noron, the comments about 'Samcho(三焦)' remain relatively intact in ${\ulcorner}Sanbeon-bang{\lrcorner}$. The contents are based on ${\ulcorner}$Yeongchu Yeongwisaenghoe(靈樞 營衛生會)${\lrcorner}$, combined the contents of ${\ulcorner}$Nangyeong 31st difficulty(難經 三十一難)${\lrcorner}$ and the meridian line in ${\ulcorner}$Yeongchu Gyeongmaek(靈樞 經脈)${\lrcorner}$. They were quoted untouched in ${\lrcorner}Cheongeumyo-bang{\lrcorner}$ by Son Sa-mak, and became the fundamental structure of Samcho-theory of after ages. Among the medical comments in ${\ulcorner}Sanbeon-bang{\lrcorner}$, there has been much dispute over the problem about 'Chu-Tae-eum(秋太陰), Dong-So-eum(冬少陰)'. This study will pay attention to the connection between Wang Bing's views of ${\ulcorner}Sanbeon-bang{\lrcorner}$ for compilation of ${\ulcorner}Chaju-Hwangje-Naegyeong-Somun{\lrcorner}$ and the original ${\ulcorner}Sanbeon-bang{\lrcorner}$. Judging from this study, Wang Bing may have referred to ${\ulcorner}Sanbeon-bang{\lrcorner}$, ${\ulcorner}Oedaebiyo-bang{\lrcorner}$ or another medical book of similar stock, and from this he may have reconstructed the attribute of Eum-Yang(陰陽) which is related to Pye and Sin. Wang Bing's disciples may have referred to ${\ulcorner}Sanbeon-bang{\lrcorner}$, or with Wang Do, the writer of ${\ulcorner}Oedaebiyo-bang{\lrcorner}$, building up the main medical current in those days.



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