임상에서 쓰이는 담석치료(膽石治療) 처방(處方)에 대한 담석(膽石)성분의 용해 실험

Study on the Solubility of the Bilestone by the Traditional Oriental Medicine Prescriptions

  • 발행 : 2005.04.25


This study was carried out to investigate the solubility of the bilestone in the solutions of the traditional oriental medicine prescriptions. The cholesterol and the calcium carbonate($CaCO_3$) were chosen as the ingredients of the bilestone. Three prescriptions were studied for the bilestone. The cholesterol had showed under 5% solubility in all solutions of the traditional oriental medicine prescriptions, but the calcium carbonate had showed the 30-50% solubility in all solutions of the traditional oriental medicine prescriptions.



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