중풍의 형상의학적 고찰

Apoplexy and Hyungsang Medicine

  • 정행규 (홍제한의원) ;
  • 이용태 (동의대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실.한방바이오연구센터)
  • Jung, Haeng-Gyu (Hongje Oriental Clinic) ;
  • Lee, Yong-Tae (Department of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine.Biomedical Research Center of Oriental Medicine, Dong-Eui University)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.25


The followings are the conclusions drawn from the clinical cases of apoplexy; The main cause of apoplexy is the deficiency of both Jung and Ki. dam typed persons are stricken with paralyses because of the insufficiency of the kidney water. On the other hand, bangkwang typed persons' apoplexy comes from the deficiency of Ki and dump-phlegm. The prevention of apoplexy is very important so that porpe medical care should be taken at the appearance of premonitory symptoms like vertigo, dim sight tinnitus, stiff neck, numbness and others. It appears very reasonable both clinically and pathologically that Li dongyuen classified the apoplexy in to three groups : the first group is apoplexy involving meridians ; the second. involving Bu ; the third, involving Jang. The accurate diagnosis of apoplexy regulates com prehension consideration of four factors configuration color, pulse and symptoms and distinction from the similar diseases. Apoplexy is the up wand floating of Yaug in deficiency due to the deficiency of genuine Yim. In its early stages it should be treated by eliminating the excess in the upper pant. In the lower pant becomes the fundamental treatment.



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