군 급식 취사병의 수산물에 대한 기호도와 인식 조사

Preference and Perception of Seafood among Soldiers on Cook's Duty in Military Meal Service

  • 이영미 (경원대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 민성희 (세명대학교 한방식품영양학과)
  • Lee, Young-Mee (Department of Food and Nutrition, Kyungwon University) ;
  • Min, Sung-Hee (Department of Oriental Medical Food and Nutrition, Semyung University)
  • 발행 : 2005.12.31


This study was carried out to investigate preference and perception of seafood among soldiers on cook's duty in military meal service. 58.9% of the respondents answered that they liked seafood and the major eating place were in their home(48.0%) and in the restaurant(40.4%). The favorite seafood cooking methods turned out to eat as raw fish, to grill, to stew, to fry in order. In comparison with the meat dishes, seafoods were considered superior to meat in nutritional value but evaluated inferior to meat in the aspects of sanitation and tasteless problem. 32.9% of the respondents answered they liked seafood dishes in military meal service and they disliked them because of taste or cooking method of the seafood. They liked fried or grilled seafood in military meal service. The plate waste amounts of the seafood menu were more than half in almost every surveyed menu and reasons for plate waste were fish smell and taste problems. The difficulties of cooking seafood in military meal service were breaking down of seafood during cooking and complexity of cooking. They scored seafood higher than average in nutrition, taste, diversity of cooking method and aspect of health. On the basis of the results above, introducing diverse cooking methods and menu are suggested and education of cooking skills and development of cooking facilities are needed in military meal service.



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  12. Korean J Dietary Culture v.6 no.4 A study on food behavior and preference of military personnel Lee, Y.M.;Joung, Y.K.;Yang, I.S.;Sohn, K.H.;Moon, S.J.;Kim, K.J.;Lee, S.G.
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  18. Korean J Soc Food Sci v.13 no.2 수산가공식품의 생산 및 이용 김영명