인삼양영탕의 문헌고찰과 형상의학적 치료

Study of Insamyangyung-tang in Hyungsang Medicine

  • 이용태 (동의대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실 한방바이오연구센터) ;
  • 윤덕영 (양천경희한의원)
  • Lee, Yong-Tae (Department of Physiology Biomedical Research Center of Oriental Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong-Eui University) ;
  • Yoon, Duk-Young (Yanchun Kyunghee Oriental Clinic)
  • 발행 : 2005.08.01


The following conclusions are drawn, through studying of referring literature, of contents of the prescription and of clinical applications in Hyungsang Medicine. Insamyangyung-tang(인삼양영탕) was appeared first in Taepunghyemin-whajegugbang(태평혜민화제국방) which was written by Jin and others at Song Dynasty. This prescription is applied to senility and long lasting weakness, little strength of spleen and lung(비폐기허), and insufficiency of blood. The Insamyangyung-tang is composed of medical stuffs which Rhizoma Cnidii is taken out from Sipjiendaebotang and Pericarpium Citri Nobilis, Fructus Schizandrae, Radix Polygalae are added to it. This prescription is used in China up to the present. In korea, according to Donguibogam, Rhizoma Cnidii and Poria are taken out from Sipjiendaebotang and Pericarpium Citri Nobilis, Fructus Schizandrae, Radix Polygalae are added to it, and Ramulus Cinnamomi is changed to Cortex Cinnamomi, and also Radix Ledebouriellae is newly added to it. This is reorganized to fit for Korean physical conditions and to be useful for deficiency of blood, and also to be efficacious for coming and going of chillness and fever and running with sweat due to weakness of Liver. In the point of view of Hyunsang medicine, Insamyangyung-tang is applied to shapes and symptoms as follows : This prescription becomes more efficacious to women than to men. At the age of fifties when liver grows weak it effects a cure. It takes effect to the shape of going easily into the deficiency of blood, that is, to the Hyul Kwa with an oval face. It effects a cure on the man who has wrinkles on the bridge of the nose, who has marks of being choked up on the central area between two brows, or who has distinctive size of eyes and nose. It is efficacious against symptoms which are to be exhausted, to be weak, to lose flesh, to be coming and going of chillness and fever and running with sweat.



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