기혈과 혈기에 대한 형상의학적 고찰

Study about Ki-blood and Blood-Ki in Hyungsang Medicine

  • 이용태 (동의대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실 동의대학교 한방바이오연구센타) ;
  • 조장수 (양재아카데미한의원)
  • Lee, Yong-Tae (Department of Physiology Biomedical Research Center of Oriental Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong-Eui University) ;
  • Cho, Jang-Soo (Yangjae Academy Oriental Clinic)
  • 발행 : 2005.08.01


Seeing through the reference of literatures ${\ll}$Internal Classic${\gg}$, ${\ll}$Donguibogam${\gg}$ and Master Jisan's theory about Ki-Hyul and Hyul-Ki, the writer came to conclusions as follows. In ${\ll}$Internal Classic${\gg}$ Ki-Hyul is expressed into being orderly and ordinate, but Hyul-Ki is described differently into making Hyul-Ki or operating Hyul-Ki. In ${\ll}$Donguibogam${\gg}$ Ki-Hyul and Hyul-Ki are not distinguished between two things, but Ki-Hyul is mentioned as harmony of Ki-Hyul and Hyul-Ki, and Hyul-Ki as ascending and descending or as deficiency and excess. In Hyungsang medicine the special characters of Ki-Hyul is seized the essence of the meanings from the deflection between left and right, changes of skin, flesh, meridian, muscle and bones. And the distinctive marks of Hyul-Ki is got hold from changes of complexion, many or few hairs, ascending or descending spirits of ears, eyes, mouth and nose. Also Ki-Hyul is recognized by laying stress on rise and fall, after birth, breast, upper limbs, eight extra meridians. And Hyul-Ki is recognized by laying stress on going up and down, the inborn constitution, abdomen, lower limbs, and twelve meridians. Jisan distinguished Ki-Hyul from Hyul-Ki theoretically and he applied the theory to clinical examination proved the facts that the theory and the examination are in accord with each other. This attempts was for the first time in Oriental medicine history and the theory was set up. It is thought that the defects of the theory about Ki-Hyul and Hyul-Ki which Jisan insisted on need much more study from now on.



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