석창포원지탕(石菖蒲遠志湯)의 Alcoholism에서의 간위(肝胃) 치유 및 학습능력향상 효과

Effects of the Seokchangpo-Wonji-Tang on Recovery from Disorder of Stomach, Liver and Mental-faculty in Alcoholism

  • 발행 : 2005.10.01


Effects of the Seokchangpo-Wonji-Tang on recovery from disorder of stomach, liver and mental-faculty in alcoholism were studied using male Sprague-Dawley rats. The rats were assigned into 4 groups; normal, control and Seokchangpo-Wonji-Tang(SWT) group. Control group administered ethanol(25 v/v %) at a dose 3g/kg, while SWT group administered 50mg/kg of SWT 30min before treating same dose of ethanol as control group for 10 days, orally. The gastric ulceration and also GOT and GPT activities in rats were checked, and all groups were subjected to trials of straight channel on the 1st day and to those of multiple T-maze during the following 3 days. The gastric ulceration, GOT and GPT activities were increased in control group, but decreased in SWT group significantly. The time required in normal group for the straight channel of the 2nd and 3rd trials was significantly shorter than that of the 1 st, while the control group showed no significance. In the time required for the multiple T-maze trials, the control group showed no significance. But in the straight or T-maze trials, the SWT group showed significant decrease in the time required against the control group.
