Assessment on Stabilization of Open-dumping Landfill Gas - A Case Study of Salmi Landfill -

사용종료된 비위생매립지의 매립가스 안정화 평가 - 살미매립지 사례연구 -

  • Hong, Sang-Pyo (Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Cheongju University) ;
  • Kim, Kwang-Yul (Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Chungbuk University)
  • Received : 2005.08.16
  • Accepted : 2005.12.13
  • Published : 2005.12.31


For managing and utilizing a closed municipal solid waste landfill site in environmentally secure conditions, it is necessary to verify the stabilization level of landfill gas(LFG) and waste. For assessing LFG and waste stabilization of an open-dumping municipal solid waste landfill (Salmi Landfill) which is located at the vicinity of Chungju Reservoir which flows into Paldang Reservoir that has been used for Seoul Metropolitan water supplies, the history and the surrounding characteristics of the landfill site were surveyed. In this study, waste and LFG samples obtained from landfill site were physically and chemically analyzed, and then the analysis results were evaluated on the basis of 'The Criteria of Landfill Waste Stabilization(CLWS)' that were promulgated by Korean Ministry of Environment. Based on LFG composition of Salmi landfill, $CH_4$ was as high as 68%. In CLWS regulation, the stabilization criteria of $CH_4$ should be lower than 5%, and the criteria of C/N ratio should also be lower than 1/10. The result showed that C/N ratio of landfilled waste ranged 17.4~24.7. From this results, it was concluded that the LFG and C/N ratio stabilization level of this landfill based on the CLWS were still actively proceeding.



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