대나무 추출액과 죽력의 혼합물이 국소 뇌혈류량 및 평균 혈압에 미치는 영향

Effects of Mixture of Bambusae Caulis in Liquamen and Bamboo Extract on the Regional Cerebral Blood Flow and Mean Blood Pressure in Rats

  • 발행 : 2006.06.25


This Study was designed to investigate the effects of Mixture of Bambusae Caulis in Liquamen and Bamboo Extract on the change of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) in normal and cerebral ischemic rats. Experimental materials were as follows ; BE- 1 was Bamboo Extract (BE) extracted with 70% ethyl alcohol, BE-11 was BE extracted with distilled water at $121^{\circ}C$ for 30 min, BE-111 was BE extracted with distilled water at $121^{\circ}C$ for 3 hrs, MLC was mixture of Bambusae Caulis in Liquamen (BCL) and BE-111 mixed at the ratio of 1 to 100 (MLC100), 1 to 50 (MLC50), 1 to 20 (MLC20), 1 to 10 (MLC10), 1 to 5 (MLC5). The results were as follows , The Changes of BE- 1 on the rCBF and MABP in normal rats were not showed, BE- 11 significantly decreased rCBF in a dose-dependent manner Dut increased MABP in a dose-dependent manner. BE-111 increased rCBF in a dose-dependent manner, MLC significantly increased rCBF in a dose-dependent manner and increased MABP in a dose-dependent manner. rCBF was significantly and stably increased by MLC5 (1 mg/kg, i.p.) during the period of cerebral reperfusion, which contrasted with the findings of rapid and marked increase in control group. As results above ; The present author thought that BE- 111 and MLC increased rCBF by dilating pial arterial diameter.



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