약선음료로 활용되는 선즙(鮮汁)의 약선학적 특징 및 영양학적 접근

Characteristics and Nutritional Approching of Sun-Jup in Oriental Medicinal Diet Therapy

  • 최화선 (연변대학 간호학원) ;
  • 박성혜 (명지대학교 산업대학원 식품양생학과 한방약선)
  • Choi, Hua-Shan (College of nursing, Yanbin University) ;
  • Park, Sung-Hye (Oriental Medicinal Diet Therapy, Dept. of Diet & Health Care, Graduate School of Industrial Technology, Myungji University)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.25


This study was performed to provide basic ideas as understanding and application for oriental medicinal cuisine (Yak-Sun). We investigated background, history of Yak-Sun in China. Also we conducted to investigated how to apply the theories of oriental medicine appropriately, which direction should be taken, and how it should be developed. To develop medicinal cuisine, it is necessary to grasp the theoretical system. And to develop medicinal cuisine for health enhancement, it is also required not only to consider constitutions but also to suggest the need of knowledge for moderation in terms of regimen along with the theory of oriental medicine. Also to develop medicinal cuisine according to the perspective of oriental medicinal theory, what should be taken into account is not only the understanding of the characteristics of food materials, but also the properties of them that the theory of oriental medicine. Lastly the scientific effect of the medicinal cuisine which is developed according to the oriental medicinal theory. And it is believed to be essential for the government to make effects to set a standard and laws to validate the medicinal effects and the process of assessment so that the systematic development can be encouraged, and to prepare guidance to food development for national health improvement.



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