주단계(朱丹溪) 상화론(相火論)의 성리학적(性理學的) 연구(硏究)

Neo-Confucian Study on the Ministerial Fire's Theory of JuDanGe

  • 김영목 (원광대학교 한의과대학 한방병리학교실)
  • Kim, Yeong-Mok (Department of Oriental Pathology, College of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University)
  • 발행 : 2006.08.25


The Neo-Confucian study of the thee of ministerial fire(相火論) constitute of the rule of iung jung(中正), the principal of form and use(體用) and of real nature and emotion(性情) of human and ethic mind(人心道心). The present study is to evaluate a fundamental concept of the theory of ministerial fire, which is one of traditional medical ideology in China, through the Neo-Confucianism projects to The theory of ministerial fire. The theory of ministerial fire of Judange(朱丹溪) was recognized by ontological principal of Heaven-Human being-Earth, ontological structure of Form-Use and the structure that mind consist of real nature and emotion(심統性惰). The ethic and human mind(道心人心) of Judange and constancy and transition(常變) of seven emotion have relationship in the ontological structure of Form-Use. The real nature of human Doing consisted of apriority of Heaven rule is unitary constructed by Form-Use(체용) of inactivated real nature and activated seven emotion and then activated seven emotion shows dual form of appropriate(中節) and inappropriate(不中節). Emperor's and ministerial fire(君火相火) which has a relationships of Heaven-Human being synchronization represents all kinds of fire and classified to heaven fire(天火) and human fire(人火). The emperor's fire was triggered by inactivated fire and ministerial fire(相火) was triggered by activated fire. Inactivated ministerial fires have dual form of physiological ministerial and pathological ministerial fire. Regarding the forementioned analytic thinking, it was clear that manifest processing of One's real nature and the ministerial fire undergo the same principal and logics. Since maintained One's real nature that is inactivated seven emotion and appropriated activated seven emotion, ministerial fire can be stable and keep one's health and well-being in mind and body.



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