Speech Developmental Link between Intelligibility and Phonemic Contrasts, and Acoustic Features in Putonghua-Speaking Children

표준 중국어의 구어 명료도와 음소 대조 및 음향 자질의 발달적 상관관계

  • 한지연 (대구대학교 재활과학대학 언어치료학과)
  • Published : 2006.09.30


This study was designed to investigate the relationship between intelligibility and phonemic contrasts, and acoustic features in terms of speech development. A total of 212 Putonghua speaking children was participated in the experiment. There were phonemic contrasts significantly related with speech intelligibility: aspirated vs. fricative, retroflex vs. unretroflex, and front vs. back nasal vowel contrast. A regression analysis showed that 88% of the speech intelligibility could be predicted by these phonemic contrasts. Acoustic values were significantly related to the intelligibility of the Putonghua-speaking children's speech: voice onset time of unaspirated stops, and the duration of frication noise in fricatives.
