Functional Amino Acids and Fatty Acids for Enhancing Production Performance of Sows and Piglets

  • Kim, Sung Woo (Texas Tech University, Texas A&M University) ;
  • Mateo, Ronald D. (Texas Tech University) ;
  • Yin, Yu-Long (Chinese Academy of Sciences) ;
  • Wu, Guoyao (Texas Tech University, Texas A&M University, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
  • Published : 2007.02.01


The growth and health of the fetus and neonate are directly influenced by the nutritional and physiological status of sows. Sows are often under catabolic conditions due to restrict feeding program during pregnancy and low voluntary feed intake during lactation. The current restrict feeding program, which aims at controlling energy intake during gestation, results in an inadequate supply of dietary protein for fetal and mammary gland growth. Low voluntary feed intake during lactation also causes massive maternal tissue mobilization. Provision of amino acids and fatty acids with specific functions may enhance the performance of pregnant and lactating sows by modulating key metabolic pathways. These nutrients include arginine, branched-chain amino acids, glutamine, tryptophan, proline, conjugated linoleic acids, docosahexaenoic acid, and eicosapentaenoic acid, which can enhance conception rates, embryogenesis, blood flow, antioxidant activity, appetite, translation initiation for protein synthesis, immune cell proliferation, and intestinal development. The outcome is to improve sow reproductive performance as well as fetal and neonatal growth and health. Dietary supplementation with functional amino acids and fatty acids holds great promise in optimizing nutrition, health, and production performance of sows and piglets. (Supported by funds from Texas Tech, USDA, NLRI-RDA-Korea, and China NSF).



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  18. Effects of different n-6 to n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids ratio on reproductive performance, fecal microbiota and nutrient digestibility of gestation-lactating sows and suckling piglets vol.88, pp.11, 2017,
  19. Regulation of intestinal health by branched-chain amino acids pp.13443941, 2017,
  20. Protein and Amino Acid Composition of Indian Himalayan Snow Trout and Their Dietary Significance pp.2250-1746, 2018,
  21. Dietary l-Arginine Supplementation Enhances the Reproductive Performance of Gilts vol.137, pp.3, 2007,
  22. Effects of dietary arginine supplementation during gestation and lactation on the performance of lactating primiparous sows and nursing piglets1 vol.86, pp.4, 2008,
  23. Oral administration of putrescine and proline during the suckling period improves epithelial restitution after early weaning in piglets1 vol.93, pp.4, 2015,
  24. Supplemental methionine, choline, or taurine alter in vitro gene network expression of polymorphonuclear leukocytes from neonatal Holstein calves vol.100, pp.4, 2017,
  25. The effects of supplemental threonine on performance, carcass characteristics, immune response and gut health of broilers in subtropics during pre-starter and starter period pp.09312439, 2018,
  26. Effect of bamboo vinegar powder as an antibiotic alternative on the digesta bacteria communities of finishing pigs vol.64, pp.10, 2018,
  27. Advances in low-protein diets for swine vol.9, pp.1, 2018,
  28. Rice protein concentrate partially replaces dried whey in the diet for early-weaned piglets and improves their growth performance vol.88, pp.7, 2008,
  29. Improving efficiency of sow productivity: nutrition and health vol.4, pp.1, 2013,
  30. The impact of different levels of cysteine on the plasma metabolomics and intestinal microflora of sows from late pregnancy to lactation vol.10, pp.2, 2019,
  31. Plant Food By-Products as Feed: Characteristics, Possibilities, Environmental Benefits, and Negative Sides pp.1525-6103, 2019,
  32. Influence of arginine on enzymes related to arginine metabolism in bovine mammary epithelial cells in vitro vol.99, pp.1, 2019,
  33. Amino acids and immune function vol.98, pp.2, 2007,
  34. Growth performance and metabolic responses in barrows fed low-protein diets supplemented with essential amino acids vol.109, pp.1, 2007,
  35. Bio-fermentation Technology to Improve Efficiency of Swine Nutrition vol.23, pp.6, 2010,
  36. Dynamic changes in blood flow and oxygen consumption in the portal-drained viscera of growing pigs receiving acute administration of l-arginine vol.43, pp.6, 2007,
  37. Glutamine modifies immune responses of mice infected with porcine circovirus type 2 vol.110, pp.6, 2013,
  38. Estimation of dietary threonine requirement for growth and immune responses of broilers vol.41, pp.4, 2013,
  39. Arginine enhances embryo implantation in rats through PI3K/PKB/mTOR/NO signaling pathway during early pregnancy. vol.145, pp.1, 2013,
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  41. Underestimated contribution of skeletal muscle in ornithine metabolism during mouse postnatal development vol.46, pp.1, 2014,
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  43. Optimizing Gastrointestinal Integrity in Poultry: The Role of Nutrients and Feed Additives vol.5, pp.None, 2018,
  44. Fetal Huanjiang mini-pigs exhibit differences in nutrient composition according to body weight and gestational period vol.13, pp.7, 2007,
  45. Effects of changing omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratios in corn-soybean meal-based diet on performance, serum lipid profile and colostrum and milk composition of sows and performance of piglets vol.59, pp.7, 2007,
  46. Growth performance and intestinal health of broilers fed a standard or low-protein diet with the addition of a protease vol.48, pp.None, 2007,
  47. Effects of Dietary L-arginine Supplementation from Conception to Post- Weaning in Piglets vol.20, pp.7, 2007,
  48. Physiological Effects of Dietary Amino Acids on Gut Health and Functions of Swine vol.6, pp.None, 2007,
  49. Effects of dietary methionine supplementation on growth performance, intestinal morphology, antioxidant capacity and immune function in intra‐uterine growth‐retarded suckling piglets vol.103, pp.3, 2019,
  50. The immune-nutrition interplay in aging - facts and controversies vol.5, pp.2, 2007,
  51. Inflammation and oxidative stress transcription profiles due to in vitro supply of methionine with or without choline in unstimulated blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes from lactating Holstein cows vol.102, pp.11, 2007,
  52. Effects of long-chain fatty acid supplementation on the growth performance of grower and finisher pigs: a meta-analysis vol.10, pp.1, 2007,
  53. Use of Bacillus subtilis PB6 enriched with choline to improve growth performance, immune status, histological parameters and intestinal microbiota of broiler chickens vol.60, pp.5, 2020,
  54. Differences in Gut Microbial and Serum Biochemical Indices Between Sows With Different Productive Capacities During Perinatal Period vol.10, pp.None, 2007,
  55. Role of Dietary Amino Acids and Nutrient Sensing System in Pregnancy Associated Disorders vol.11, pp.None, 2007,
  56. Tryptophan promoted β-defensin-2 expressionviathe mTOR pathway and its metabolites: kynurenine banding to aryl hydrocarbon receptor in rat intestine vol.10, pp.6, 2007,
  57. Dietary supplementation with N-carbamylglycinate (CGly) improved feed source proline absorption and reproductive performance in sows vol.11, pp.4, 2007,
  58. Effects of dietary energy and lysine levels on physiological responses, reproductive performance, blood profiles, and milk composition in primiparous sows vol.62, pp.3, 2020,
  59. Serum metabolomics identifies metabolite panels that differentiate lame dairy cows from healthy ones vol.16, pp.6, 2007,
  60. Review: Practical Use of n-3 Fatty Acids to Improve Reproduction Parameters in the Context of Modern Sow Nutrition vol.10, pp.7, 2007,
  61. Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation during Late Gestation on Reproductive Performance, Piglet Uniformity, Blood Profiles, and Milk Composition in High Prolific Sows vol.10, pp.8, 2020,
  62. Effect of light intensity on digestion and immune responses, plasma cortisol and amino acid composition of Scylla paramamosain during indoor overwintering vol.51, pp.12, 2007,
  63. Understanding intestinal health in nursery pigs and the relevant nutritional strategies vol.34, pp.3, 2021,
  64. Maternal Supplementation with Cow’s Milk Naturally Enriched with PUFA Alters the Metabolism of Sows and the Fatty Acid Profile of the Offspring vol.13, pp.6, 2007,
  65. Isoquinoline Alkaloids in Sows’ Diet Reduce Body Weight Loss during Lactation and Increase IgG in Colostrum vol.11, pp.8, 2007,
  66. A Targeted Serum Metabolomics GC-MS Approach Identifies Predictive Blood Biomarkers for Retained Placenta in Holstein Dairy Cows vol.11, pp.9, 2021,
  67. Supplementation with a Natural Source of Amino Acids, Sil-Q1 (Silk Peptide), Enhances Natural Killer Cell Activity: A Redesigned Clinical Trial with a Reduced Supplementation Dose and Minimized Season vol.13, pp.9, 2007,
  68. Effects of Bacillus subtilis, butyrate, mannan-oligosaccharide, and naked oat (ß-glucans) on growth performance, serum parameters, and gut health of broiler chickens vol.100, pp.12, 2007,
  69. Periconceptional nutrition with spineless cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica) improves metabolomic profiles and pregnancy outcomes in sheep vol.11, pp.1, 2007,
  70. Determination of ideal protein ratios in growing pullets vol.284, pp.None, 2007,