문헌을 통한 맥상의 물리적 요소 분석

Analysis of Physical Quantification of Pulse Types by Pulse Diagnosis Literatures

  • 발행 : 2007.12.25


Pulse diagnosis that is one of important examination methods in traditional oriental medicine has been investigated for the standardization in many ways. Pulse analyzer device and clinical studies have been tried for this purpose. Additionally, literature study has significance for this standardization. In this study, we analyzed pulse types in literatures from the viewpoint of physics. We refered to Maijing, Maijue, siyanjuyao, Binhumaixue, Yixuerumen, zhenjiazhengyan. We established some physical factors for analysis. This factors that can be detected through pulse analyzer are depth, speed, power, width, and length. In this study, we defined 18 kinds of pulse types among 28 total types by physical factors. Furthermore, 6 kinds of pulse types were classified as basic pulse from these. The results of this study will improve the pulse analyzer to detect these pulse types.



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