하도(河圖)와 러셀 역설

Hado and Russell's Paradox

  • 김병수 (대전대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실)
  • Kim, Byoung-Soo (Department of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejon University)
  • 발행 : 2007.06.25


The significance of Han medicine (韓醫學), the Korean traditional medicine, that has lasted throughout the past couple millenniums relies upon Han Philosophy distinguished by its uniqueness. In brief, the specificity of Han medicine is characterized by unity of spirit and body, part and whole. According to this theory, when curing a frozen shoulder, it is usually cured by acupuncturing the area around the part that aches, but also doing so on the area that is totally different from the aching part such as the opposite part of the body. In fact, this can be pursued only through aspects that enable one to realize the unity of part and whole, and a ground for this possibility bases upon the crux of Eastern Philosophy, I-ching(역), such as theory of Five Elements (음양오행) and Three Pillars(삼재). In Western set theory, the issues of Class(부류) and elements(요원), whole and part were independently discussed in the area of mereology, and the question of part and whole was encountered with aporia and paradox since Greek ancient philosophy. At the turn of this century, many philosophers endeavored to pursue academic inquiry to resolve this paradox, especially by Russell and Whitehead through ${\ll}$Principia Mathematica${\gg}$ at the beginning of this century. in the process, there came out a phrase 'Russell's Paradox'. Russell himself proposed a typological resolution as an answer to the inquiry. However, 'Russell's Paradox' still remains as an aporia even till present days. During medieval period, this inquiry was even considered as 'insolubia'. Throughout this paper, 1 attempt to provide an analytic aspect on 'Russell's Paradox' from an unique thinking method and perspective of Han medicine that embodies the concept of 'unity of part and whole'. To do so, 1 suggest a physiological model in the first place depicted by diagrams of Circle 원, Quadrangle 방, Triangle 각(CQT) that portray the logic of Hado or Hotu 하도 which is 'the pattern from the river Ho'. That is to suggest that CQT원방각 of Hado can De a logical foundation that explains the notions of spirit (정신,뇌), internal organs(장부), and meridian system which functions as a solution to the question of 'Russell's Paradox'. There are precedent academic works examining the issue from philosophical aspect such as Sangil Kim's ${\ulcorner}$Han medicine과 러셀역설 해의${\lrcorner}$ Han Medicine and Resolution of Russell's Paradox(2005), and this analysis will further attempt to critically examine such works from a perspective of Han medicine.



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