소아질환의 형상의학적 치료

Treatments of Infantile Diseases in Hyungsang Medicine

  • 정행규 (흥제한의원) ;
  • 강경화 (동의대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실 한의학연구소) ;
  • 이용태 (동의대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실 한의학연구소)
  • Jung, Haeng-Gyu (Hong Je Oriental Clinic) ;
  • Kang, Kyung-Hwa (Department of Physiology Research Institute of Oriental Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong-Eui University) ;
  • Lee, Yong-Tae (Department of Physiology Research Institute of Oriental Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong-Eui University)
  • 발행 : 2007.04.25


After researching on infantile diseases in Hyungsang medicine, the writer got the conclusions as follows. The infants who are excess of the Yang energy need to nourish the Eum- blood. The main causes of the infantile disorders are congenital defect and malfunction of internal organs by nature, as results of these they suffer from mental disorders or being undergrown. And after birth they get ill from internal injury or external affections, mainly epilepsy by retention of undigested food, fever, cough, asthma, nasal obstruction, dermatopathia, and affection by cold, etc. In Hyungsang medicine Dam-body is apt to get ill from deficiency of Eum-blood and bangkwang-body from deficiency of Yang-energy. And infants are hare to be moderate in food, so they become to diseases of the Spleen and stomach, especially infants with Yangmyung type get to epilepsy, cough, skin disorders, and obese for the reasonof overeating. Among main infantile symptoms congenital defects, infantile mental disorders, and convulsive diseases come from congenital defect and malfunciton of internal organs, so it must be treated the symptoms following the reasons. Above all infantile mental disorders are treated not to separate the spirit from the body. And fever, cough and asthma, affection by cold, skin diseases, poor appetite, and obese come from deficiency of Kidney or the deficiency and excess of the Spleen and stomach. In order to prevent from infantile diseases right antenatal training, taking medicine rightly, exercise and eating good habits are needed to give guidance. Seeing through the clinical cases in Hyungsang medicine, we come to know that the infantile mental disorders come out primarily for the reasons of the congenital defect, and the infantile epilepsy come from malfunction of internal organs, and the nasal obstruction and skin diseases come from deficiency of Kidney or the deficiency and excess of the Spleen and stomach.



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