Tracking Error Performance of Tracking Filters Based on IMM for Threatening Target to Navel Vessel

  • Fang, Tae-Hyun (WIG Craft Research Division, Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute) ;
  • Choi, Jae-Weon (School of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University)
  • Published : 2007.08.31


Tracking error performance is investigated for the typical maneuvering pattern of the anti-ship missile for tracking filters based on IMM filter in both clear and cluttered environments. Threatening targets to a navel vessel can be categorized into having three kinds of maneuvering patterns such as Waver, Pop-Up, and High-Diver maneuvers, which are classified according to launching platform or acceleration input to be applied. In this paper, the tracking errors for three kinds of maneuvering targets are represented and are investigated through simulation results. Studying estimation errors for each maneuvering target allows us to have insight into the most threatening maneuvering pattern and to construct the test maneuvering scenario for radar system validation.



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