금원사대가(金元四大家)의 황달(黃疸)에 대한 문헌적 고찰

Literature Study on Jaundice of Kum-Won Sa Dae Ga

  • 송정호 (원광대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 김수성 (원광대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 김병민 (원광대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 나민수 (원광대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 유금해 (원광대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 윤혁 (원광대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 정헌영 (원광대학교 한의과대학 원전학교실) ;
  • 김강산 (원광대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실)
  • Song, Jeong-Ho (Department of Internal Medicine, School of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University) ;
  • Kim, Soo-Sung (Department of Internal Medicine, School of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University) ;
  • Kim, Byung-Min (Department of Internal Medicine, School of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University) ;
  • Na, Min-Soo (Department of Internal Medicine, School of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University) ;
  • Liu, Chiian-Hai (Department of Internal Medicine, School of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University) ;
  • Yoon, Hyuk (Department of Internal Medicine, School of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University) ;
  • Jeong, Heon-Young (Department of Classics, School of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University) ;
  • Kim, Kang-San (Department of Internal Medicine, School of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.25


The aim of this study was to establish opinions of Kum Won Sa dea ga on jaundice and find out clinical significance. Contents dealing with jaundice were searched manually in works of Kum Won Sa dea ga. Those were translated into Korean and studied. Yoo wan so(劉完素) had opinion that jaundice is induced by dampness with heatness(濕熱) or dryness with heatness(濕熱) and should be treated with diuretics and laxatives. Jang jong jung(張從政) had opinion that jaundice is induced by spleen(脾) mainly and should be treated with diaphoretics, emetics, laxatives. Lee dong won(李東垣) had opinion that jaundice is induced by mistaken diaphoretics, dysfunction of spleen(脾), heatness(熱) and treatments should depend on six meridian pathways(六經). Ju jin hyeong(朱震亨) had opinion that jaundice is induced by dampness with heatness(濕熱) and coldness with dampness(濕熱) and should be treated with diuretics and detoxicant. Kum Won Sa dae ga thought jaundice in induced by dampness with heatness(濕熱) and explained pathology by the five viscera and the six entrails(五臟六腑). And they treated patients with jaundice according to etiologic source.



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