좌편두통방으로 호전된 좌측 편두통 환자 치험 2례

Two Cases Report of the Patients with Left Migraine Improved with Zhuapiandutongbang

  • 선승호 (상지대학교 부속한방병원 한방내과)
  • Sun, Seung-Ho (Department of Oriental Internal Medicine, Oriental Hospital of Sangji University)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.25


Migraine is a very common unilateral and throbbing headache, and a chronic relapsing and remitting disorder characterised by neurological, gastrointestinal, and autonomic changes. It has a high prevalence, often recurs at the time of being in full activity of life, and has a serious impact on patients personally and socially. So we need to develop a oriental medicine for migraine. I have treated two migraine patients using Zhuapiandutongbang (Zuopiantoutongfang) of Dongyibogam. The impression of first case is migraine with aura, and that of second case is probable migraine. We just give Zhuapiandutongbang (Zuopiantoutongfang)'s medicine to two patients, but don't apply acupucture and anything to treat. We reported that Zhuapiandutongbang (Zuopiantoutongfang) has a good effect on not only the improvement of symptoms but also the prevention of relapse.



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