육자결(六字訣)과 영가무도(詠歌舞蹈)의 한의학적 고찰 및 임상적용에 대한 연구

Study on the Medical Review on Yukjagyeol and Younggamudo Its Clinical Application

  • 이동욱 (해운대한의원) ;
  • 한창현 (한국한의학연구원 의료연구부) ;
  • 박수진 (인제대학교 의과대학 약리학교실 약물유전체연구센터) ;
  • 권영규 (대구한의대학교 한의과대학)
  • Lee, Dong-Wook (Haeundae Oriental Medical Clinic) ;
  • Han, Chang-Hyun (Department of Medical Research, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine) ;
  • Park, Soo-Jin (Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacogenomics Research Center, Inje University College of Medicine) ;
  • Kwon, Young-Kyu (College of Oriental Medicine, Daegu Haany University)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.25


Sounds and music have been used in various ways in the East and the West, as it is well known that they influence the human mind and health a lot. Recently, there have been many studies regarding the remedy through sounds and music in the West and they have made good effects in the actual therapy. In the East, people knew that sounds and music would make great effects on human mind long time ago and they placed importance on sounds and music. Although there is a Sound Therapy in Oriental Medicine, it is not studied sufficiently in modern Oriental Medicine. It does not have clear standards for the clinical application and has not been frequently used. Accordingly, Yukjagyeol which has long been used in Korean Medicine and Younggamudo which was made by Kim Il-bu in late Chosun were compared from the perspective of acoustics and demonstrative treatment theory of Korean Medicine. Younggamudo by Kim il-bu allot the five sounds such as 'Eum, Ah, Eo, Ih and Uh' to 'spleen, lung, liver, heart and kidney' respectively. As the five sounds are all vowels and vibrate the vocal band as much as possible, they vibrate and resonant the respective organs to help them to function and promote circulation. In oriental medicine, there is 'Singing and Dancing Treatment'. They say songs and dances nurtures personality, supplement blood stream and comfort the mind. As the five sounds of Younggamudo take the melody while vibrating the vocal band sufficiently, when it passes from Youngto Ga(Songs) we may dance moving our bodies according to the rhythm. Therefore Gongbeop of Younggamudo helps the functionality of human organs and promotes blood circulation. As Yukjagyeol is Sabeop(discharging method), it should be used for those who have surplus Sagi and should not use for Heojeung. As Younggamudo is Bobeop(supplementing method), it is not for Shiljeung but for Heojeung which lacks of Jeonggi. It is considered that healthy people without specific disease can use it as a preventive method of 'Chimijeong' to maintain their physical and mental health. It is considered that we can have useful effects if we apply Yukjagyeol and Younggamudo dialectically with the concept of Bosa. It is considered that concrete application to Sound Gigong can be possible by searching for the methodology for empirical further study and clinical experiments and clinical application in the future.



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