허혈성 뇌손상 백서에서 가감총명탕(加減聰明湯)이 인지기능에 미치는 효과

Neuroprotective Efects of Gagam-ChongMeong-Tang on Cognitive Function after Ischemic Brain Injury in Rats

  • 발행 : 2008.06.25


ChongMyeong-Tang (CMT) have been used clinically to treat patient with amnesia and dementia. In addition, CMT have been also used for examinee to improve learning ability in Korea. This study was designed to investigate the effects of Gagam-ChongMeong-Tang (GCMT) on cognitive dysfunction recovery after ischemic brain injury in rats. Rats were divided into three groups; (1) normal, (2) commercial diet after ischemic brain injury (control), (3) CMT diet after ischemic brain injury (experiment). In our study, we carried out Morris water maze test for cognitive motor behavior test and immunohistochemistry study through the change BDNF in the hippocampus($7^{th},\;14^{th}\;day$). In Morris water maze test, cognitive motor function recovery was significantly increased in the experiment group as compared with control group on $7^{th}\;and\;14^{th}\;day$ day (p<0.01). In immunohistochemistric response of BDNF in the hippocampus, more immune reaction was investigated in the experiment group as compared with control group on $7^{th}\;and\;14^{th}\;day$. Especially more immune reaction was experimented $14^{th}$ day. These results imply that GCMT can play a role in facilitating recovery of cognitive function after ischemic brain injury in rats.



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