담죽엽, 패장, 구채 및 박하 추출 혼합물의 두풍백설 치료효과

Anti-dandruff Effect of Extract Mixture of Lophatheri Herba, Patriniae Radix, Allii tuberosi Herba, and Menthae Herba

  • 발행 : 2009.10.25


Lophatheri Herba, Patriniae Radix, Alli tuberosi Herba, and Menthae Herba have long been used externally for treatment of injuries or inflammations in Korea. This study was carried out to examine the anti-dandruff effect of the mixture made with equal parts of 70%-ethanol extracts of Lophatheri Herba, Patriniae Radix, Allii tuberosi Herba, and Menthae Herba (LPAM) and of each one above, compared with 1%-zinc pyrithione (Standard) used commercially as anti-dandruff. The results showed the mixture was more effective than each crude drug. The 10%-LPAM produced no toxicity in skin reaction test and eye irritation test, and showed significant antimicrobial activity against Pityrosporum ovale, the major cause of dandruff, and also showed significant anti-dandruff and itch-improvement effects on head skin.



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