향토음식의 스토리텔링 적용 사례연구

A Case Study on Storytelling Application of Native Local Foods

  • 최정숙 (농촌진흥청 국립농업과학원 한식세계화연구단) ;
  • 박한식 ((주)명소IMC)
  • 발행 : 2009.04.30


The purpose of this study is to present the scheme that can enhance the value of native local foods by analyzing the case into which storytelling is incorporated in order to revitalize native local foods. Towards this end, the cases of native local foods throughout the country were recommended through professional survey and one region among them was finally selected through the field study. The survey on the native local foods was conducted through qualitative study. The four stages of storytelling: the findings of storytelling, the production of storytelling, the experience of storytelling, and sharing of storytelling were analyzed by stage and the contents of the survey by stage were developed. In the findings of story, the origins and background of the main family's foods and food-related stories were derived. The production of stories deals with how to convey the stories of surveyed native local foods to consumers and it presented the stories about the place and food menu. In the experience of storytelling, the physical environment and non-physical environment, in which people visit native local eating houses and experience native local foods were analyzed. Finally, in the sharing of story, how the tourists who have experienced the native local foods make stories and disseminate and share them was analyzed. The significance of this study is that through the storytelling technique it presented the findings, production, experience and sharing of native local foods in the level that can apply to practical business. Although the research is in the stage of inquiry, this study is meaningful in that it presented the basic methodology that can induce the revitalization of the native local food industry through examining the tradition and significance of native local foods that can be found in all the regions of the country.



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