십전대보탕(十全大補湯) 및 가미십전대보탕(加味十全大補湯)의 항산화 효과 및 신경교세포주 보호 효과

Protective Effects and Anti-oxidative Effects of Sipjeon-Daebo-Tang and Gami-Sipjeon-Daebo-Tang in C6 Glioma Cell

  • 발행 : 2009.12.25


Sipjeon-Daebo-Tang (SDT) is indicated for deficiency syndrome of both gi and blood, marked by pale or sallow complexion, dizziness, lassitude, shortness of breath, dislike for talking, poor appetite, pale tongue with thin whitish fur, thready and weak pulse. Gami-Sipjeon-Daebo-Tang(GSDT) is composed of 10 herbs within SDT and Cervi Pantotrichum Cornu (CPC). CPC can noursh kidney-yang, promote the production of the essence and blood, strengthen tendons and bones. Recently SDT is known as anti-cancer drug. Especially CPC is reported to have anti-oxidative action. For these reasons, we investigated the protective effects on cell death induced by chemicals such as paraquat, hydrogen peroxide and anti-oxidative effects in C6 glioma cells. In our results, GSDT accelerated proliferation rates of C6 cells in vitro. In addition, protective effects on cell death induced by hydrogen peroxide and rotenone. In addition, SOD activities were increased by treatment with both SDT and GSDT. In conclusion, these results suggest the possibility of GSDT to protect brain cell or neuronal cell from damage induced by oxidative stress. And also suggest that related mechanisms are involved in SOD activities.



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