건강검진을 받은 근로자들의 골밀도검사에 대한 교차분석 보고

Report on the Crosstabulation Analysis about Bone Mineral Density Test of Workers

  • 최빈혜 (대구한의대학교 한의학과 내과학교실) ;
  • 김승모 (대구한의대학교 한의학과 내과학교실)
  • Choi, Bin-Hye (Department of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Daegu Haany University) ;
  • Kim, Seong-Mo (Department of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Daegu Haany University)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.25


This study was designed to analyze the results of bone mineral density test in oriental medical examination. The subjects were workers in the automobile manufacturing industry. The subjects consisted of 3,206 industrial workers who had received oriental medical examination by oriental medicine and they submitted questionnaires about drinking history and smoking history, during 9 months from March to November. They were categorized by sex, age, job class, drinking history, smoking history and exercise history. The T-scores were measured by using OSTEOPRO(BMTECH, Seoul, Korea). We analyzed the relationship between sex, age, job class, drinking history, smoking history, exercise history and the results of bone mineral density using X2-test of the SPSS Ver. 14.0. There was a positive correlation between age and osteoporosis prevalence. In job class, sales personnel were apt to have a higher prevalence of osteoporosis than factory workers and office workers. Osteoporosis rates of the drinker group showed a higher level than the non-drinker group. Bone mineral densities of non-smoker group were higher than the Smoker group. And bone mineral densities of exerciser group were higher than the non-exerciser group. They have to encourage exercise and educate the workers to quit smoking for their health promotion. Furthermore, continuous health check up needs to be done connectedly.



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