A Study on the Plan for Advanced Noise-Policy in the 21st Century

21세기 소음정책 선진화 방안 고찰

  • Received : 2009.01.09
  • Accepted : 2009.01.27
  • Published : 2009.02.28


The study show that things about the noise control are indicated at The Noise & Vibration Control Act and the other Act. Also, the details program and total government ministries' program for the noise control are indicated what are the advance noise control plan. The study consist of the four part which are "Draw up the environmental noise infrastructure plan; the install shall be done the noisemap & the automatic noise measurement devices", "Resetting of environmental noise standard at the application area and Introduce of indoor noise; the guide for region classification of the noise standard & indoor noise", "Setting of aircraft noise standard and Program of measurement point operation; the noise-assessment-standard shall change from WECPN to new index($L_{den}$, $L_{dn}$, $L_{Aeq\;24h}$) & the operation and control of aircraft noise measurement changes from local environmental office to central control center" and "The method of noise regulation at construction site and the plan on making of standard for vibration regulation; It shall be made that the guideline of construction noise should include a target-construction, noise standard etc & the ministries shall unify control about construction vibration of the blasting vibration". The advance noise-policy will improve efficiency to deal with civil appeal & damage on residents about noise.



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