Intramural Dissection and Mucosal Laceration of the Esophagus in a Patient Who Was on Antiplatelets Medication - A case report -

항혈소판 제재 복용 중 발생한 식도 벽 박리 및 점막 열상 - 1예 보고 -

  • Kim, Kyung-Hwa (Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Chonbuk National University Hospital) ;
  • Kuh, Ja-Hong (Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Chonbuk National University Hospital) ;
  • Lee, Jung-Moon (Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Chonbuk National University Hospital)
  • 김경화 (전북대학교병원 흉부외과) ;
  • 구자홍 (전북대학교병원 흉부외과) ;
  • 이정문 (전북대학교병원 흉부외과)
  • Published : 2009.10.05


Intramural esophageal dissection is a rare disorder that's characterized by a lengthy laceration between the mucosal and submucosal layers of the esophageal wall, and the esophageal wall is without perforation. The three different types of acute esophageal injury are a mucosal tear (Mallory-Weiss syndrome), full-thickness rupture (Boerhaave's syndrome) and intramural esophageal dissection. Most intramural esophageal dissections respond to conservative management with a very good prognosis. This rare condition should be considered in patients who present with acute chest pain, dysphagia or odynophagia, and particularly in the presence of a bleeding disorder or where there has been recent administration of antiplatelet medication, anticoagulantsorthrombolyticsto avoid inappropriate treatment with surgery. We present here a rare case of intramural dissection of the esophagus that occurred when the patient was taking anti platelet medication.

점막하 식도 박리는 드문 질환으로 식도 천공 없이 점막하 출혈 및 혈종에 의해 점막하층과 근육층이 박리되는 상태를 의미하며, Mallory-Weiss, Boerhaave's syndrome과 함께 제3의 급성 식도 손상질환이다. 금식과 수액 요법 등의 보존적 치료만으로도 비교적 예후가 좋다. 하지만 출혈 소인이 있는 질환이나 정상적인 지혈에 영향을 미치는 약제(anticoagulants, anti-platelets, thrombolytic agents)를 복용중인 환자에서, 흉통 및 연하통 혹은 연하곤란 등을 호소하는 경우에 감별 진단으로 염두에 두어야 부적절한 치료를 피할 수 있다. 본 증례는 항혈소판 제재를 복용 중에 발생한 점막하 식도 박리를 보고하는 바이다.



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