A Method of Anonymity Authentication using the Public Certificate

공인인증서를 이용한 익명인증 방법

  • 이영교 (서일대학 인터넷정보과) ;
  • 안정희 (두원공과대학교 컴퓨터정보과)
  • Received : 2010.02.02
  • Accepted : 2010.03.07
  • Published : 2010.03.30


As the fixed mobile communication tools using the internet are developed, the off-line services are serviced through on-line on the internet. our society is divided into the real world and the cyber world. In the cyber world, the authentication to the user is absolutely required. The authentication is divided into the real-name authentication and the anonymous authentication by the kind of the internet service provider. There are some ISPs needed the real-name authentication and there are others ISPs needed the anonymity authentication. The research about the anonymity authentication is steadily established to these days. In this paper, we analyze the problem about blind signature, group signature, ring signature, and traceable signature. And we propose a method of anonymity authentication using the public certificate. In the proposal, the anonymity certificate have the new structure and management. Certificate Authority issues several anonymity certificates to a user through the real-name authentication. Several anonymity certificates give non-linked and non-traceability to the attacker.



Supported by : 서일대학


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